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Actually you are doing nothing wrong Gazelle does not edit your WORKSPACE, just generate your build files.

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For me the biggest painpoint was having to match the git versions to the Godeps, but I think we should probably wait for the dep tool at this point.


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In this case after gazelle, you would build and see this issue, then run: wtool io_k8s_kubernetes And try again, note this may require mutliple iterations, or you can build '-k' and add multiple repos at a time, but it is still a slightly annoying process.. The first Romance language to adopt it was Middle French, and the word entered the English language around.. > go install k8s io/kops/util/ > gazelle -go_prefix k8s io/kops/util > bazel build //channels/cmd/channels.. It also got very confused by com_github_go_openapi_jsonpointer and by in_gopkg_yaml_v2, but still a vast improvement over doing it by hand!Gazel (pronounced Giselle) is a 19 year old who has just begun her transformation. How To Add A Submit Button In Word 2011 For Mac


I followed the instructions in the, but gazelle does not add any of my dependencies to the WORKSPACE file.. No worries, and thank you so much I'll leave this open for you to track, but feel free to close at will.. Seen and Heard What made you want to look up gazel? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible).. ERROR: /home/justinsb/k8s/src/k8s io/kops/util/channels/cmd/channels/BUILD:3:1: no such package '@io_k8s_kubernetes//pkg/api/v1': error loading package 'external': The repository named 'io_k8s_kubernetes' could not be resolved and referenced by '//channels/cmd/channels:go_default_library'.. That gets tricky How do you know which dependencies are missing? You encounter @io_k8s_kubernetes and @com_github_golang_protobuf and read the following WORKSPACE file (ignoring Go stuff): load('@io_bazel_rules_go//proto/go_proto_repositories.

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She just started dressing 2 months ago and lives full time as a woman now Gazelle is derived from the Arabic name غزال ġazāl.. WORKSPACE is unchanged - no dependencies: git_repository( name = 'io_bazel_rules_go', remote = 'tag = '0.. 4 1', ) load('@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def bzl', 'go_repositories') go_repositories().. It is up to you to update your WORKSPACE with any remote dependencies There is a tool that mostly works called wtool, but it is not perfect, so I haven't advertised it in the main doc.. Wtool is much better than the alternative which is how I was doing it before, so thank you for that tool. 518b7cbc7d